Favorite Quotes - Lieblingszitate


New Member
Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit!


Dürfen das jetzt auch ernstere quotes sein? Oder mussed lustig sein? ... Zu meinem Schreck fallen mir gerade keine lustigen ein ... vielleicht sollte ich mir darüber mal Gedanken machen :harhar

darf auch was ernstes sein.. :0


New Member
Und hier einer... fuer mich.. ;)

Carrie: I do not pick the wrong guys. They pick me.
Miranda: So what, you're like a flystrip for dysfunctional men?
Carrie: Yeah, but one of those really pretty floral scented ones.


New Member
Quote of the day:

Sam Wheat: It's amazing, Molly. The love inside, you take it with you. See ya.

Molly: See ya. Bye.



Well-Known Member
"Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by increasing your knowledge and adding to your experience, so that you can make the most of opportunity when it occurs."

Mario Andretti


New Member
Quote of the day:

Think about it. If you are single, after graduation there isn't one occasion where people celebrate you. ... Hallmark doesn't make a "congratulations, you didn't marry the wrong guy" card. And where's the flatware for going on vacation alone? ~ SatC


New Member
Carrie : In the end I decided I was definitely 34 going on 35, but in a city like New York, with its pace and its pressures, sometimes it's important to have a 13-year-old moment. To remember a simpler time when the best thing in life was just hanging out, listening to records and having fun with your friends. In your very own apartment. ~ SatC
