Proposal to collect DNA from citizens sponsoring immigrants


Well-Known Member
"The Trump administration on Friday issued a proposal to expand its DNA and other biometric data collection of immigrants to include citizens sponsoring them.
In a document published on the Federal Register, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed that “any applicant, petitioner, sponsor, beneficiary, or individual filing or associated with an immigration benefit or request, including United States citizens, must appear for biometrics collection without regard to age unless DHS waives or exempts the biometrics requirement.”
The agency also proposed the expansion of the term “biometrics” to include “iris image, palm print, and voice print.”"

The Land of the Free, oder so aehnlich war das doch. Ich erinnere mich noch an einige Aussagen vor vier Jahren "we're only worried about illegal immigration".

Mal schauen, ob die damit tatsaechlich durchkommen.