Militaer Akronyme

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Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften der United States Army
E-1 - Private E1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: PV1 - NATO-Rangcode: OR-1
E-2 - Private E2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: PV2 - NATO-Rangcode: OR-2
E-3 - Private First Class . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: PFC - NATO-Rangcode: OR-3
E-4 - Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abkürzung: SPC - NATO-Rangcode: OR-4
E-4 - Corporal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abkürzung: CPL - NATO-Rangcode: OR-4
E-5 - Sergeant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: SGT - NATO-Rangcode: OR-5
E-6 - Staff Sergeant . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: SSG - NATO-Rangcode: OR-6
E-7 - Sergeant First Class . . . . . . . Abkürzung: SFC - NATO-Rangcode: OR-7
E-8 - Master Sergeant . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: MSG - NATO-Rangcode: OR-8
E-9 - First Sergeant . . . . . . . . . . . Abkürzung: 1SG - NATO-Rangcode: OR-8
E-9 - Sergeant Major . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: SGM - NATO-Rangcode: OR-9
E-9 - Command Sergeant Major. . . . Abkürzung: CSM - NATO-Rangcode: OR-9
E-9 - Sergeant Major of the Army . . Abkürzung: SMA - NATO-Rangcode: OR-9

Warrant Officer der United States Army
W-1 - Warrant Officer 1 . . . . . . . . Abkürzung: WO1 - NATO-Rangcode: WO-1
W-2 - Chief Warrant Officer 2 . . . . Abkürzung: CW2 - NATO-Rangcode: WO-2
W-3 - Chief Warrant Officer 3 . . . . Abkürzung: CW3 - NATO-Rangcode: WO-3
W-4 - Chief Warrant Officer 4 . . . . Abkürzung: CW4 - NATO-Rangcode: WO-4
W-5 - Chief Warrant Officer 5 . . . . Abkürzung: CW5 - NATO-Rangcode: WO-5

Offiziere der United States Army
O-1 - Second Lieutenant . . . . . . . Abkürzung: 2LT - NATO-Rangcode: OF-1
O-2 - First Lieutenant . . . . . . . . . Abkürzung: 1LT - NATO-Rangcode: OF-1
O-3 - Captain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: CPT - NATO-Rangcode: OF-2
O-4 - Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abkürzung: MAJ - NATO-Rangcode: OF-3
O-5 - Lieutenant Colonel . . . . . . . Abkürzung: LTC - NATO-Rangcode: OF-4
O-6 - Colonel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: COL - NATO-Rangcode: OF-5
O-7 - Brigadier General . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: BG - NATO-Rangcode: OF-6
O-8 - Major General . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: MG - NATO-Rangcode: OF-7
O-9 - Lieutenant General . . . . . . . Abkürzung: LTG - NATO-Rangcode: OF-8
O-10 - General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abkürzung: GEN - NATO-Rangcode: OF-9
O-10 - General of the Army . . . . . Abkürzung: GA - NATO-Rangcode: OF-10

AAA = Army Auditing Agency
AAFES = Army and Air Force Exchange Service
ACAP = Army Career and Alumni Program
ACES = Army Continuing Education System
ACS = Army Community Service
ACS/FPC = Army Community Service/Family Program Coordinator
ACU = Army Combat Uniform
ACSIM = Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
AD = Active Duty
AEC = Army Environmental Center
AER = Army Emergency Relief
AFN = Armed Forces Network
AIEP = Army Ideas for Excellence Program
AIT = Advanced Individual Training
AMC = Army Materiel Command
AMEDD = Army Medical Department
AMMO = Ammunition
ANCOC = Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course
AOC = Area of Concern
APC = Armored Personnel Carrier
APFT = Army Physical Fitness Test
APO = Army Post Office
AR = Army Regulation
ARARs = Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirements
ARNG = Army Reserve National Guard
ASA(I,L&E) = Assistant Secretary of the Army, (Installations, Logistics and Environment)
Asst = Assistant
ATHD = Army Training Help Desk
ATSDR = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
AWOL = Absent Without Leave

BAS = Basic Allowance for Subsistence
BC = Battalion Commander
BCA = Base Closure Account
BCP = BRAC Closure Plan
BCT = Basic Combat Training
BCT = BRAC Cleanup Team
BDE = Brigade
BDU = Battle Dress Uniform
BEC = BRAC Environmental Coordinator
BES = Budget Estimate Submission
BG = general officer, O-7, brigadier general
BHA = Basic Housing Allowance
BIA = Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLM = Bureau of Land Management
BN = Battalion
BNCOC = Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course
BRAC = Base Realignment and Closure
BRACO = Base Realignment and Closure Office
BRACON = Base Realignment and Closure Office, Navy
BROT = Base Reuse Oversight Team
BTC = Base Transition Coordinator
BTO = Base Transition Officer
BTT = BRAC Transfer Team

CA = Cooperative Agreement
CAC = construction all complete
CAMU = Corrective Action Measurement Unit
CDR = Commander
CDS = Child Development Services
CECOM = U.S. Army Communications/Electronics Command
CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
CERFA = Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act
CERL = US Army Construction Engineering Research
CHAMPUS = Civilian Health and Medical Program for the Uniformed Services
CID = Criminal Investigation Division
CIM = Contractor Installation Manager
CMS = Corrective Measure Sites
CNR = Cultural/Natural Resources
CNO = Chief of Naval Operations
CO = Commander
COB = close of business
COE = Corps of Engineers
COL = field-grade officer, O-6, colonel
COLA = Cost of Living Allowance
CONUS = Continental United States (within the 48 contiguous states)
CPP = Command Post Platform
CPT = company-grade officer, O-3, captain
CSTCA = CSTCA - Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan
CTC = cost to complete (environmental site investigation, remedy, closeout)
CTT = Common Task Testing

DA = Department of the Army
DACSIM = Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
DAIM-BO = DA Installation Management BRACO Office
DASA(IH) = Deputy Assistant Scretary of the Army (Installations and Housing)
DAS = Director, Army Staff
DCCR = Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
DDEAMC = DDEAMC - Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center
DDESB = Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board
DDRP = Drug Demand Reduction Program
DeCA = Defense Commissary Agency
DEERS = Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DEH = Director of Engineering and Housing
DENIX = Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange
DENTAC = United States Army Dental Activity
DERA = Defense Environmental Restoration Account
DEROS = Date of Estimated Return from Overseas
DFAS = Defense Finance and Accounting Systems
DHR = Directorate of Human Resources
DLA = Defense Logistics Agency
DOB = Date of Birth
DoD = Department of Defense
DOE = Department of Energy
DOEd = Department of Education
DOI = Department of Interior
DOJ = Department of Justice
DOL = Department of Labor
DOR = Date of Rank
DPG = Defense Planning Guidance
DPP = Deferred Payment Plan
DPW = Director of Public Works
DRMO = Defense Reutilization and Marketing office
DSERTS = Defense Site Environmental Restoration Tracking System
DSN = Defense Switched Network
DSMOA = Defense-State Memorandum of Agreement
DUSD(ES) = Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)
DUSD (IA&I) = Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Industrial Affairs and Installations)

EA = Environmental Assessment
EBS = Environmental Baseline Survey
ECOP = Environmental Condition of Property
EDC = Economic Development Conveyance
EE/CA = engineering evaluation/cost assessment
EER/OER = Enlisted/Officer Evaluation Report
EFMP = Exceptional Family Member Program
EIS = Environmental Impact Statement
ELD = Environmental Legal Division
EN = Enlisted
EPA = Environmental Protection Agency
EOD = Explosive Ordnance Disposal
ESCA = Environmental Service Cooperative Agreement
ESOH = Environmental Safety Occupational Health
ESS = Explosive Safety Submission
ETS = Expiration Term of Service
ETS = Estimated Time of Separation
EWC = Enlisted Wives Club

FAC = Family Assistance Center
FCP = Family Care Plan
FDU = Full Dress Uniform
FEIS - Final Environmental Impact Statement
FFA = Federal Facilities Agreement
FM = Family Member/Field Manual
FMEAP = Family Member Employment Assistance Program
FNSI = Finding of No Significant Impact
FORSCOM = U.S. Army Forces Command
FOSET = Finding of Suitability for Early Transfer
FOSL = Finding of Suitability for Lease
FOST = Finding of Suitability for Transfer
FRO = Family Readiness Officer
FSA = Family Separation Allowance
FSG = Family Support Group
Ft. = Fort
FTC = Fast-Track Cleanup
FTX = Field Training Exercise
FUDS = Formerly Used Defense Site

GAO = Government Accounting Office
GED = General Education Diploma
GFPR = Guaranteed Fix Price for Remediation
GOCO = Government Owned, Contractor Operated
GS General schedule
GSA = General Services Administration

HHC = Headquarters and Headquarters Company
HOR = Home of Record
HQ = Headquarters
HQDA = Headquarters, Department of the Army
HSMS = Hazardous Substance Management System
HTRW = Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste

I&E = Installations and Environment
IADT = Initial Active Duty Training
IAG = Interagency Agreement
IAW = in accordance with
IC = Institutional Control
IDT = Inactive Duty Training
IE = Initial entry
IET = Initial Entry Training
IGCE = Independent Government Cost Estimate
IMA = Installation Management Agency
IPR = In-process Review
IRDMIS = Installation Restoration Data Management Information System
ITAM = Integrated Training Area Management
ITO = Information Travel Office/Invitational Travel Order
ITP = Individual Transition Plan
ITR = Independent Technical Review

J&A = justification and approval
JAG = Judge Advocate General
JATA = Job Assistance Training Application
JCS = Joint Chiefs of Staff
JR EN = Junior Grade Enlisted Personnel
JR NCO = Junior Grade Noncommissioned Officer
JUMPS = Joint Uniform Military Pay System

KIA = Killed In Action
KO = Contracting Officer
KP = Kitchen patrol

LBP = Lead-based Paint
LES = Leave and Earnings Statement
LIFC = Leased in Furtherance of Conveyance
LN = Local National
LRA = Local Redevelopment Authority
LTC = field-grade officer, O-5, lieutenant colonel
LTM = Long-term Monitoring
LUC = Land Use Control
LUCAP = Land Use Control Assurance Plan

MACOM = major command (such as FORSCOM, AMC, or TRADOC)
MAJ = field-grade officer, O-4, major
MDW = Military District of Washington
MEDCOM = Medical Command
MEDDAC = Medical Department Activity
MG = general officer, O-8, major general
MI = Military Intelligence
MIA = Missing In Action
MILCON = Military Construction
MILPER = Military Personnel
MMRP = Military Munitions Response Program
MOA = Memorandum of Agreement
MOS = Military Occupational Specialty
MOU = Memorandum of Understanding
MP = Military Police
MSA = Metropolitan Statistical Area
MSC = Major Subordinate Command (such as IOC, SBCCOM, or CECOM)
MRE = Meals Ready to Eat
MTMC = Military Traffic Management Command
MWR = Morale, Welfare, and Recreation

NA = Not applicable
NAF = Non-Appropriated Fund
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCO = non-commissioned officer
NCOA = Noncommissioned Officers Association
NCOER = Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report
NCOIC = Noncommissioned Officer In Charge
NCOWC = Noncommissioned Officers' Wives Club
NCP = National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
NDGW = Non-Degradation of Ground Water
NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 USC 4321, et seq., as amended
NFA = no further action
NGB = National Guard Bureau
NLT = not later than
NPL = National Priorities List
NPS = National Park Service
NPV = Net Present Value
NRC = Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRDA = Natural Resources Damages Act

OB/OD = Open Burn Open Detonation
OBC/OAC = Officer Basic/Advanced Course
OCONUS = Outside Continental United States (to include Hawaii and Alaska)
OCS = Officer Candidate Schools
OCSA = Office of the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
ODEP = Office of the Director of Environmental Programs
OE = Ordnance Explosives
OEA = Office of Economic Adjustment
OGC = Office of the Army General Counsel
OIC = Officer-in-Charge
OJT = On the Job Training
O&M = operations and maintenance
OMB = Office of Management and Budget
ORE = Operational Readiness Exercise
OSC = Operation Support Command (under AMC)
OSD = Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OTJAG = Office of the Judge Advocate General
OU = operable unit
OWC = Officers' Wives Club

PAC = Personnel Administration Center
PAO = Public Affairs Officer
PBC = Public Benefit Conveyance
PBD 824 = Program Budget Directive
PBT = Public Benefit Transfer
PCS = Permanent Change of Station
PCT = Pre-separation Counseling Timeliness
PDO = Property Disposal Office
PERSCOM = Personnel Command
PLDC = Primary Leadership Development Course
PM = Program Manager
PMOS = Primary Military Occupational Specialty
POA = Power of Attorney
POE = Point of Embarkation
POC = Point of Contact
POI = Program of Instruction
POL = petroleum, oils, and lubricants
POM = Program Objective Memorandum
POSH = Prevention of Sexual Harrassment
POV = Privately Owned Vehicle
PSG = Platoon Sergeant
PT = Physical Training
PX = Post Exchange
PZ = Primary Zone

QM = Quartermaster
QTRS = Quarters

RAB = Restoration Advisory Board
RACR = Remedial Action Cost Engineering & Requirements
RC = Reserve Component
RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RD = Rear Detachment
RDC = Rear Detachment Commander
REC = Record of Environmental Consideration
REG = Regulation
REGT = Regiment
REMIS = Real Estate Management Information system
REO = Regional Environmental Office
RFO = Request for Orders
RIF = Reduction in Force
RI/FS = Remedial Investigation/Feasibility
ROD = Record of Decision
RPM = Remedial Project Manager
R&R = Rest and Recreation
RRSE = Relative Risk Site Evaluation
RSVP Reply whether or not you can attend (repondez s'il vous plait)

SAAD = Sacramento Army Depot
SAALT = Ass't Secretary of the Army Acquisition Logistic Team
SBP = Survivor Benefit Plan
SD = Staff Duty
SDNCO = Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer
SDO = Staff Duty Officer
SERG = Site Environmental Regulatory Group
SGLI = Servicemen's Group Life Insurance
SGT = Sergeant (E-5)
SHPO = State Historic Preservation Officer
SIDPERS = Standard Installation/Division Personnel System
SISBL = Standardized Individual Soldier Basic Load
SMA = Sergeant Major of the Army (E-9)
SME = subject-matter expert
SPL = Service Provider List
SQD = Squad (a unit within a platoon)
SRB = Selective Reenlistment Bonus
SSN = Social Security Number
STP = sewage treatment plant
STT = Sergeant's Time Training
SVE = soil vapor extraction
SWMU = solid waste management unit
SZ = Secondary Zone

TAG = technical assistance grant
TAP = Transition Assistance Program
TASC = Training and Support Center
TDA = Table of Distribution and Allowances
TDY = Temporary Duty
TERC = Total Environmental Restoration Contract
TIG = Time in Grade
TJAG = The Judge Advocate General
TLA = Temporary Living Allowance
TMP = Transportation Motor Pool
TRADOC = U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRADOC = Training and Doctrine Command
TSM = Transition Services Manager

USACE = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USACHPPM = U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
USAR = United States Army Reserve
USARC = U.S. Army Reserve Command
USATCES = U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosive Safety
USCG = U.S. Coast Guard
USFWS = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
USGS = U.S. Geological Survey
USO = United Service Organization
UST = underground storage tank
UXO = unexploded ordinance

VA = Department of Veterans Affairs
VA CBOC = Veterans Affairs Community Based Outpatient Clinic
VAMC = Veterans Affairs Medical Center
VHA = Variable Housing Allowance
VISN = Veterans Integrated Service Network
VOC = volatile organic compound

WBS = work breakdown structures
WO = Warrant Officer
WOAC = Warrant Officer Advanced Course
WOC = Warrant Officer Candidate Course
WOSC = Warrant Officer Senior Course

XO = Executive Officer
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